Tom Visser
Der irische Lichtdesigner Thomas Visser wurde in eine Theaterfamilie hineingeboren und wuchs auf dem Land in Irland auf. Im Alter von 18 Jahren begann Visser, an Musiktheaterproduktionen mitzuwirken, bevor er sich mit 24 Jahren dem zeitgenössischen Theater, insbesondere dem Tanz, widmete. Visser arbeitet mit renommierten Ensembles, darunter das Nederlands Dans Theater, das Royal Ballet, die Pariser Oper, das Norwegian National Ballet, Les Ballet de Monte-Carlo, das Königlich Schwedische Ballett Stockholm, das Joffrey Ballet und Sadlers Wells. Er hat Lichtdesigns für Choreograf*innen wie Alexander Ekman, Johan Inger, Crystal Pite, Stijn Celis, Medhi Walerski, Lukas Timulak und Joeri Dubbe geschaffen. Seit 2016 entwickelt Visser seine eigenen Projekte, darunter Kunstinstallationen und interaktive Medien.
Born into a theatrical family, Thomas Visser grew up in the Irish countryside. Visser began working on musical theatre productions at the age of 18 and before moving into contemporary dance collaborations at age 24. Visser has worked with renowned performing arts companies including Nederlands Dans Theater, The Royal Ballet, Paris Opera, The Norwegian National Ballet, Les Ballet de Monte-Carlo, The Royal Swedish Ballet, Joffrey Ballet and Sadlers Wells to name a few. Visser has created original lighting designs for choreographers including Alexander Ekman, Johan Inger, Crystal Pite, Stijn Celis, Medhi Walerski, Lukas Timulak and Joeri Dubbe. Since 2016, Visser has started creating his own projects including art installations and interactive media.
Born into a theatrical family, Thomas Visser grew up in the Irish countryside. Visser began working on musical theatre productions at the age of 18 and before moving into contemporary dance collaborations at age 24. Visser has worked with renowned performing arts companies including Nederlands Dans Theater, The Royal Ballet, Paris Opera, The Norwegian National Ballet, Les Ballet de Monte-Carlo, The Royal Swedish Ballet, Joffrey Ballet and Sadlers Wells to name a few. Visser has created original lighting designs for choreographers including Alexander Ekman, Johan Inger, Crystal Pite, Stijn Celis, Medhi Walerski, Lukas Timulak and Joeri Dubbe. Since 2016, Visser has started creating his own projects including art installations and interactive media.
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Aalto Ballett Essen
Aalto Ballett Essen
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