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Dominique Drillot
Geboren 1959 in Tours, Frankreich, studierte Dominique Drillot Bildende Kunst am dortigen Beaux-Arts und arbeitete parallel dazu als Regieassistent, Bühnenbildner und Ausstatter. 1987 schuf er sein erstes Bühnenbild für den Choreografen Jean-Christophe Maillot („Thème et 4 Variations“), mit dem er seither regelmäßig zusammenarbeitet (u. a. „Le Jardin Jeux d'Amour“, „Lueur d'Amour“). Die Zusammenarbeit mit Choreograf*innen führte er fort mit u. a. Ramon Oller, Bruno Jacquin, Graham Lustig, Conny Jansen, Ted Brandsen und Josette Baiz. Darüber hinaus arbeitete Drillot mit dem Ballet du Nord, dem Opernballett Rom, dem Opernballett Lyon, dem Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, dem Stuttgarter Ballett, dem Ballet British Columbia, Introdans und regelmäßig mit Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo sowohl als Regisseur als auch Lichtdesigner. In Monaco entwarf er das Lichtdesign für Jean-Christophe Maillots „Bêtes Noires“, „Home Sweet Home“, „Dov'è la Luna“, „Ubuhuha“, „Vers un Pays Sage“, „Duo d'Anges“, „Concert d'Anges“, „Romeo und Julia“, „Recto Verso“, „lÎle“, „Cinderella“ und „Casse-Noisette Circus“, „Opus 40“, „Entrelacs“, „Oeil pour Oeil“, „La Belle“, „Men's Dance“, „D'une rive à l'autre“, „Les Noces“, „Miniatures“ sowie „Le Songe“ und schuf das Lichtdesign für Bertrand d'At, Renato Zanella, Serge Bennathan, John Alleyne, Itzik Galili und Lucinda Childs. In den Niederlanden arbeitete er mit Ed Wubbe, Gian Franco Paoluzzi, Ginette Laurin, Renato Zanella, Ton Wiggers, Heinz Spoerli, Nils Christie, Kirsten Debroek, Conny Jansen, Miriam Dietrich, Ted Brandsen und Josette Baiz.
Im Oktober 2004 wurde Dominique Drillot offiziell zum Professor für Szenografie an der Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-arts von Monaco ernannt.
Born in 1959 in Tours, France, Dominique Drillot studied the Fine Arts at the Beaux-Arts in Tours while, at the same time, working as assistant director, stage and accessories. In 1987, he created his first stage design for Jean-Christophe Maillot (Thème et 4 Variations) with whom he has collaborated regularly since then (Le Jardin Jeux d'Amour, Ubuhuha, Lueur d'Amour, Vers un Pays Sage, Recto Verso). He has developped this collaboration with choreographers, working with such artists as Ramon Oller, Bruno Jacquin, Graham Lustig, Conny Jansen, Ted Brandsen and Josette Baiz. He has been invited to work with the Ballet du Nord, the Rome Opera Ballet, the Lyon Opera Ballet, the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, the Stuttgart Ballet, the Ballet British Columbia, Introdans and has regularly collaborated with Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, both as director and lighting designer. In Monaco, he has created the lighting for Jean- Christophe Maillot 's Bêtes Noires, Home Sweet Home, Dov'è la Luna, Ubuhuha, Vers un Pays Sage, Duo d'Anges, Concert d 'Anges, Romeo and Juliet, Recto Verso, lÎle, Cinderella and Casse-Noisette Circus, Opus 40, Entrelacs, Oeil pour Oeil, La Belle, Men’s Dance, D’une rive à l’autre, Les Noces, Miniatures , Le Songe, as well as for Bertrand d'At, Renato Zanella, Serge Bennathan, John Alleyne, Itzik Galili and Lucinda Childs; In the Netherlands, he has worked with Ed Wubbe, Gian Franco Paoluzzi, Ginette Laurin, Renato Zanella, Ton Wiggers, Heinz Spoerli, Nils Christie, Kirsten Debroek, Conny Jansen, Miriam Dietrich, Ted Brandsen and Josette Baiz.
In October 2004, Dominique Drillot was officialy appointed as professor of scenography at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-arts of Monaco.
Im Oktober 2004 wurde Dominique Drillot offiziell zum Professor für Szenografie an der Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-arts von Monaco ernannt.
Born in 1959 in Tours, France, Dominique Drillot studied the Fine Arts at the Beaux-Arts in Tours while, at the same time, working as assistant director, stage and accessories. In 1987, he created his first stage design for Jean-Christophe Maillot (Thème et 4 Variations) with whom he has collaborated regularly since then (Le Jardin Jeux d'Amour, Ubuhuha, Lueur d'Amour, Vers un Pays Sage, Recto Verso). He has developped this collaboration with choreographers, working with such artists as Ramon Oller, Bruno Jacquin, Graham Lustig, Conny Jansen, Ted Brandsen and Josette Baiz. He has been invited to work with the Ballet du Nord, the Rome Opera Ballet, the Lyon Opera Ballet, the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux, the Stuttgart Ballet, the Ballet British Columbia, Introdans and has regularly collaborated with Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, both as director and lighting designer. In Monaco, he has created the lighting for Jean- Christophe Maillot 's Bêtes Noires, Home Sweet Home, Dov'è la Luna, Ubuhuha, Vers un Pays Sage, Duo d'Anges, Concert d 'Anges, Romeo and Juliet, Recto Verso, lÎle, Cinderella and Casse-Noisette Circus, Opus 40, Entrelacs, Oeil pour Oeil, La Belle, Men’s Dance, D’une rive à l’autre, Les Noces, Miniatures , Le Songe, as well as for Bertrand d'At, Renato Zanella, Serge Bennathan, John Alleyne, Itzik Galili and Lucinda Childs; In the Netherlands, he has worked with Ed Wubbe, Gian Franco Paoluzzi, Ginette Laurin, Renato Zanella, Ton Wiggers, Heinz Spoerli, Nils Christie, Kirsten Debroek, Conny Jansen, Miriam Dietrich, Ted Brandsen and Josette Baiz.
In October 2004, Dominique Drillot was officialy appointed as professor of scenography at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-arts of Monaco.
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